Graduation is a time that everyone gets excited. Whether it is the graduate, the next door neighbor, an old teacher or the usher at church, graduation time is a joint effort of cheer.  I was extremely excited when John Lakin, III started talking about graduation.  I wasn’t excited because John FINALLY met all his requirements […]

benedict, Education, hbcu, School

Dead Man Walking His Graduation Walk

When your mobile phone alerts or vibrates with a text message, there is a split second that you try to guess who the text message could be. A particular sound could notify you whom the person could be. Other times, it is a mystery. My phone alerted me that someone needed my attention. The message […]

Education, School

Can you hear me now?

There comes a time in every young man’s life where he must make a choice in high school.  He must choose if he wants a school ring or finish the year with no bling.  He must choose if he wants to continute his eduation at an institution of higher learning or purse other career opportunities. […]

Event Photography, Formal Wear, Uncategorized

You Can Get With This or You Can With That

In 1984, three wise men put their lyrical quest for understanding into a simple catchy hook that jumped at the musical savy saying, “Friends – how many of us have them? Friends – onces can depend on … before we go any further, let’s be friends.”  Just 10 years later in the summer of 1994, […]

Event Photography, School

… before we go any further …

Growing up with my father as my hero, I was able to easily identify how a man should act and carry himself.  I saw the importance in always presenting your best.  I was frequently reminded of the strength in standing behind what you believe.  I never will forget the lessons that were taught from non-verbal […]

Entrepreneur, Event Photography, Uncategorized

Bury good, Doc! Bury good!!!





 Turning Clients into Art

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Todd is a Black Branding & Portrait Photographer based in Columbia, South Carolina
